Article from California Newspaper: "Libraries Evolve into Information Clearinghouses"
What a POSITIVE article about public libraries. Great to read.
We really like the headline, especially the use of the word clearinghouse. It lets people know in a single word that libraries offer a variety of information services, resources, and tools plus the professionals that can train and assist in their use. Perhaps it's a term we should be using more?
Merriam-Webster defines clearinghouse as, "a central agency for the collection, classification, and distribution especially of information; broadly : an informal channel for distributing information or assistance." It's not a perfect definition but it's close and with some tweaking it be even better.
The article focuses on three libraries in the San Diego area.
Libraries, long recognized as book lenders, are evolving along with changing reading habits and new technology to become information clearinghouses, offering services as diverse as free passes for museums, e-book loans, housing clinics and live performances.
"Informing, educating, inspiring, these are all part of our mission and this fits in beautifully with that," said San Marcos branch manager Angelica Fortin.
+ You'll read about how the Friends of the San Marcos, CA Library donated $10,000 from used book sales to purchase about 500 ebooks. San Marcos is a branch library in the San Diego County Library System.
+ The Escondido, CA Library recently purchased an iPad so librarians can be out on the floor helping patrons.
+ The Oceanside, CA Library launch of a new "social web" catalog from BiblioCommons.
+ Several articles in the San Diego County Library System offering "Housing Clinics" and "Job Cafe."
NOTE: More about BiblioCommons in the item posted directly above this one.
+ The Library as community center
+ A bookmobile with wireless access and "resume counseling."
"We're realists, we're pragmatists," [San Diego County Library Director Jose] Aponte said. "We've built a library that we think focuses on community needs in a variety of different contexts."
Source: North County Times (California)