
Thursday, September 25, 2008

18 Money Management Sites

The Wall Street Fighter posted this list of Money Management Sites

Here's a monster list of 18 of the top Web 2.0 finance services currently available. This list covers new sites offering services in a variety of specialized fields ranging from online banking, personal finance, investing, business tools, shared bills and housing prices. Be sure to fully investigate all the features and security details on a site before signing your life away and deciding which one best fits your needs.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Is it Information Overload or Filter Failure?

What do you think?

From iLibrarian by Ellyssa

Author of Here Comes Everybody, Clay Shirky gave a much discussed keynote at yesterday’s Web 2.0 Expo in NYC titled It’s Not Information Overload. It’s Filter Failure. In his talk he posits that the problem is not the enormous amount of information which is now available, but that we don’t have proper filters for it. Here’s a link to his PowerPoint presentation and a video of his presentation. And here is more coverage of his keynote:

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Google News Archive Search

Google News Archive Search

Google, in partnership with a number of North American newspapers, ProQuest and Heritage, has begun digitizing printed newspapers, making them both searchable and browsable exactly as they appeared in print, including photographs, headlines, articles and advertisements.
From Resource Shelf

"You’ll be able to explore this historical treasure trove by searching the Google News Archive or by using the timeline feature after searching Google News. Not every search will trigger this new content, but you can start by trying queries like [Nixon space shuttle] or [Titanic located]. Stories we've scanned under this initiative will appear alongside already-digitized material from publications like the New York Times as well as from archive aggregators, and are marked "Google News Archive." Over time, as we scan more articles and our index grows, we'll also start blending these archives into our main search results so that when you search, you'll be searching the full text of these newspapers as well."
From the google blog announcement

Another chink in the armor of stuff you can get exclusively at your local library.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Listen Online: Top Political Speeches of All-Time

University of Texas professor Michael E. Eidenmuller has amassed a huge online database of speeches in audio and text forms. You can take a listen to your favorites at"

Source: Resource Shelf and the Denver Post